Home Surveyor


Being a Land Surveyor

Being a Land Surveyor

Land Surveyor work includes the ability to take precise measurements and to rope off areas which have already been measured accurately. A land Surveyor must also be able to analyze and understand previously recorded surveys which will be on record with the county.
These surveys can help to determine where the property boundaries will likely fall on given piece of property. Land Surveyors must also be able to draw the boundaries of the price of property that was measured, so that the survey can be recorded with the county and with any applicable mortgages.
Land Surveyor jobs often include work for banks, as they generally require an updated survey for land which is being purchased by a loan through that bank. The new and updated survey is then recorded with the mortgage, the deed and the title at the applicable county court house.
Land Surveyor jobs may also include work for private residents that simply wish to put in permanent boundaries, but require an updated survey in order to place the boundary or fence, at the appropriate locations. 
Land Surveyor jobs can include working privately or through a company such as a bank or insurance company. In any case, Land Surveyor jobs include the necessity of excellent math and measurements skills, as well as the ability to decipher old and confusing surveys.

Being a Quantity Surveyor

Being a Quantity Surveyor

A Quantity surveyor helps to ensure that construction and building projects stay within their projected budgets. Quantity surveyor jobs may include work for constriction companies of for the entity that has hired the construction company, such as a county government. In any case, the Quantity surveyor watches to be sure that there are not too many materials ordered or used, which would put the project past its budget.
In fact, the Quantity surveyor may be the one that determines the budget, based on the projected materials, tools and time needed to complete a given project. It then becomes that individual’s responsibility to be sure that the project uses only necessary materials which will ensure the safety of the building, as well as the integrity of the project, while preventing added spending.
Most Quantity surveyor jobs include working with the architect, the engineers and the hiring entity, in order to be sure that the project is feasible within the desired budget. They will discuss with their team, which materials would likely be required to complete the projected job, as well as the time frame in which they believe it can be completed, as these factors greatly impact the cost of a job.
Quantity surveyor jobs may also include decision making power as to which jobs will be accepted or which contractors may be awarded a job based on their estimation of cost. In fact, these types of jobs require in depth knowledge about the entire process which is encompassed in construction project.

Being a Chartered Surveyor

Being a Chartered Surveyor

Chartered Surveyors are professionals that handle certain property related issues. For example, Chartered Surveyors may measure property in order to establish previously unknown property boundaries, or to confirm previously recorded surveys. Chartered Surveyors can also be those which handle buildings issues such as projected budgets for constructions projects.
The most common type of job for a Chartered Surveyors is determining the value of a piece of property. They may do this utilizing several techniques which make determinations about separate issues, such as re-sale value and the projected value after improvements.
A Chartered Surveyor may also test and examine buildings for structural flaws which could harm the integrity of the building or jeopardize the safety of those in and near the building. This may be done after an event such as an earthquake. However, they may also check for flaws before upgrades or construction begins on certain portions of a previously standing building.
 A Chartered Surveyor handles many issues that pertain to property and buildings. They will likely be adept at providing boundary measurements as well as settling disputes about those boundaries. They can also handle the budget for constructions projects, based on materials and the time which will be required to complete a project. 
However, in general a Chartered Surveyor ensures the integrity of a building in order to ensure safety and prevent accidents which could be caused by damage to a building.

Being a Marine Surveyor

Being a Marine Surveyor

 Marine Surveyors handle boat inspections which can be conducted for those that wish to purchase boats or owners that simply which to ensure that their vessel is safe and sea worthy. The Marine Surveyor conducts the boat inspections according to very specific and standard lists which detail issues that could cause problems on the boat.
Each type of boat was created with a specific purpose in mind and Marine Surveyors are employed to be sure that the boat can be utilized for that purpose safely. A Marine Surveyors will check the vessel to see if it may need repairs immediately or if repairs will be needed in the immediate future.
They will check the mechanics of the boat, such as the engine and engine parts, to make certain that each part is working properly. A Marine Surveyor will also check the outside of the boat to be sure that there are no leaks or holes on the boat which could cause it to sink.
Finally the Marine Surveyor will check the interior of the boat to see if there are any issues which could cause safety problems, such as leaks or water which should not be there. They will also check to see that all safety items on the boat are present, such as life jackets, to ensure that every detail has been checked on the vessel, in order to ensure the safety of all occupants.

Being a Building Surveyor

Being a Building Surveyor

A Building surveyor is very similar to a building inspector, as they help to enforce local building codes to ensure safety. A Building surveyor may first examine building plans to see if they comply with all rules, regulations and laws. They will likely inspect the building as work is completed and again when the building is complete.
Building surveyor jobs are generally found through municipalities, as they are generally in charge of enforcing building codes to ensure safety of the residents and workers in the community. However, many large constructions companies also have Building surveyor jobs in order to be sure that their workers follow all regulations and  avoid the potential for fines when building codes are ignored or accidentally misinterpreted by workers.
Building surveyors first approve building plans for those buildings which are planned in their community. They will likely approve or deny the plans based on key factors. For example, the height of a building within smaller municipalities can be determined by the height at which fire trucks can reach. There are in fact, many municipalities that do not allow structures over two stories, as they cannot ensure the safety of residents in those buildings.
The Building surveyors will also oversee construction as it happens, to see that the construction process is happening as it should and that construction workers are not skipping important steps in the building process. Finally the Building surveyor will do a thorough inspection after construction is complete to ensure that each and every building code has been met.

A Surveyor’s Job at a Glance

A Surveyor's Job at a Glance

Surveyors can have a variety of jobs, including the measurement of land and the accurate placement of boundaries around that land. Land surveyors must also be able to draw and interpret surveys. There are surveyors who help construction projects to stay on budget, as well as those which inspect completed projects to ensure that the structure is up to code. There are also marine surveyors who inspect vessels to be sure that they are sea worthy, as well as check for any parts of the boat which may cause safety issues during use. Regardless of employment, surveyors must be detail oriented, as well as able to decipher specific measurements and complicated drawings, such as those used on construction sites.